The building owners have said that they don’t honor individual people and they won’t do it. Fine. Guess what. Try to figure this out on your own folks…it’s THEIR FUCKING BUILDING. They don’t need to light it up at all; for any reason; ever. They light it up in red and green at Christmas, blue for Chanukah and a variety of other reasons and color schemes.
Major politicians in the state of New York are being interviewed about this on news shows and actually taking it seriously but no one, not a single one (not that I’ve heard anyway) has been bright enough to do what their supposed to do and point out that it’s a privately owned piece of property and what they do with their damn lights is no one’s business.
This is absolutely ridiculous. This country has gotten ridiculous. Where are our freedoms going? No one even hears themselves anymore in the constant chatter to make their own dopey point and then group think grabs everyone by their respective genitals and squeezes the smarts out of them.
The government of the state of New York is at risk of being shut down for lack of funds but somehow state officials have the time and INTEREST to comment on what the owners of privately held real estate are doing with their lights. WOW. WOW.
People making the facebook pages and spewing ridiculous statements about this should really take a moment to think how they would feel if someone came along and told them what they should do with their porch light. See how indignant they'd be then.