There are two stories in the news right now about celebs being credited with "saving" someone's life. What each of them did was act the way any normal, compassionate HUMAN would be expected to act. The thing that made these simple acts of humanity NEWSWORTHY was because it was a celeb who acted like a human. What a shitty message to send, celebs who act like a normal human are NEWS. We're so disgusting when it comes to celeb culture these days. It's funny to read about people who came into fame decades ago, they lived in relatively normal homes that they stayed in for sometimes the rest of their lives. They were just people who went to work on movies or TV shows. It seems refreshing now to look back at that time and wish it were that way again.
I'd love to NOT know every detail of faux celebs' make-ups, break-ups and hook-ups and I'll bet they'd be happy if I didn't know that shit too. I've had my share of drama over my years on the planet and mercifully that drama gets to be confined to the people I actually know. It must suck to know that going out for coffee is cause for someone to take your picture and speculate on your relationship to the person you're with.
Damn, people get a life. Congrats to the celebs that proved their humanity but I'll bet that many others would've done the same in the same circumstances.