Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Old Year!

Why is everyone always so eager to say good-bye to the old year? So many things I’ve seen, read, heard lately all indicate how bad 2011 was and this is no different than any other year. Every year everyone talks about being glad to be done with the year just ending. People have lost loved ones or jobs. Friendships have broken, marriages have fallen apart. Yes, those things happened in 2011. They happen every year.

But good things happened too. They did. I’ve often been accused of being overly optimistic or toting around more than my share of joy but I like that.

In 2011 I started a new job which I still enjoy even after a very busy and sometimes stressful first year. I was able to recruit a dear friend to join me at the new job. I bought a new car…for my husband to drive! It’s the first real “family” car I’ve ever owned, something nice for a change that I’m not embarrassed to valet park at a nice restaurant. I think the leak in our back room has finally been fixed (this may not seem like a big deal to YOU but it sure is to ME).

A close friend embarked on a new relationship and with that change in her life there was room for us to be closer friends again (AWESOME). A beautiful new dance studio opened around the corner and I started taking ballet again, along with two nights of barre method classes, through this I’ve made new friends and lost two pounds and toned up a bit.

My husband lost more than 20 pounds and looks and feels GREAT! We cut red meat out of our diets (again). The local animal shelter came very close to reaching their goal of saving the lives of 5,000 domestic pets (GREAT NEWS).

We had a snowy and pretty beginning of 2011. I took back my yellow bicycle from the consignment shop. I rode my bicycle a lot this past summer.

I was told by someone who knew me 30 years ago that she always looked up to me. She’s had a tough life since then; hopefully I can ease her burden just a tad.

My fence fell down but the power of friendship put it back up again before any of the dogs got out.

US Soldiers really did leave Iraq. Osama Bin Laden was finally taken down.

I know there was more, that’s just what came to mind so far.

Of course it wasn’t all hats and horns in 2011…it never is and it won’t be in 2012, no matter how hard we wish it on ourselves and each other there will still be tears and fears, dreams dashed and plans re-directed. There will be sadness and loss I’m sure of it. I wish it weren’t so but it seems that life just works  that way; the best we can do is hope for good things and work our hardest to make good things happen for ourselves and those we love.

Yeah, we sure do need some good changes here and everywhere. We need to bridge the ever-widening political divide in America. People seem far too polarized, I find it hard to believe that everyone’s ideas are so extreme there must be some common ground, right? We need to put religion back into the church’s, temple’s , synagogue’s and other houses of worship and keep them out of our political halls and venues. We need to be kinder to each other, to the environment and to the animals we share the planet with. We need to eat more fiber and not drink and drive. We need to remember to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. We need to shed our sense of entitlement. We need jobs. We need to MAKE THINGS again in the USA and they need to be good quality and affordable. We need to say please and most importantly THANK YOU more often and with feeling. We need to smile more because it’s contagious. We need to make time for our significant others and not take them for granted. We need to take the time to give our pets a tummy rub more often (or a scratch behind the ears or an extra toss or ten of the Frisbee). We need to respect our elders…we need to respect OURSELVES.

Well, here’s to 2011, wacky weather, endlessly leaking roofs, long bike rides and good times! Happy Old Year.

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