Monday, March 12, 2012


That's me, I'm a sucker for food shows and home improvement shows. I try to change the channel, I really do but they suck me in every time. The home shows are killin' me because they're primarily filmed in Canada and they try to make it sound kinda generic American but, well, those Canadian accents come through every time.

A current new entry in the home improvement field is "Love It or List It", I have yet to see an episode where they choose to love it instead of list it. Seriously people, let's break this up a bit here or move on from this idea. Every episode also involves that horrifying AH-HA moment when they're deep into the home renovation and they uncover some HIDEOUS undetected flaw, the roof is a disaster and rotting from the inside out; mold is climbing from the basement all the way to the roof; you name it they've found it in someone's home and that flaw is the breaking point that means they can't complete ALL of the renovations, suddenly there's no chance of getting the home anywhere near what the owner's wanted…shy of a MIRACLE.

But wait, isn't that what they do? They make MIRACLES! Well, not really. They don't make enough of a miracle to have the owner's love it and stick around. Oh this show, such a dirty little guilty pleasure of mine…tonight might just be the night, they might just LOVE IT…or not.

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