I'm not over the events of last week in Newtown, CT and I'm 90+ miles away with no kids of my own. If I'm not over it will those people EVER be over it?
No matter what I do, no matter how my brain tries to twist it, I cannot understand how any human being could pump 11 bullets into a little kid with two missing front teeth and cock-eyed pigtails. I can't. It makes no sense. I get upset with myself if I yell at my DOGS for barking too much.
Those people in Newtown, CT will NEVER have a joyful Christmas or holiday season again. Those little kids who lost siblings last Friday will carry that with them forever. Those twins that were cut in half by a crazed gunman? The remaining twin will always feel that loss.
Every bit of it, every little nuance is unimaginable. As the news media continues to camp out in Newtown the images show people surrounded with holiday decorations that can't possibly bring any joy to those people.
I love the corniness of this season, I love stumbling upon an ancient re-run of a Sonny and Cher Christmas special, I love Holiday in Handcuffs with Mario Lopez but all of that has even lost its corn right now.
WTF? Let's get rid of these fucking guns. These guns that allow someone to pump 11 bullets into a smiling, gap-toothed six year old.
Guns that allow you to shoot your way into an elementary school.
Do we even NEED THOSE?
Gun advocates are saying this wouldn't have happened if the teachers had been armed! Really? My best friend is a teacher, she teaches art to little kids, 3 and 4 year old kids. She's barely 5 feet tall herself and wears a size 5 jeans, she's tiny. Could she even safely wield a gun? Could she safely wield a gun that would combat what that killer walked in with? I'm sorry but I don't think so. Even if she could though, I know she doesn't WANT to. She's a TEACHER of SMALL children, a peaceful, loving person. She has no interest in learning to shoot a deadly weapon, she doesn't even eat MEAT for goodness' sake but the gun lobby is blaming the un-armed for this. Should we have also armed a room of SIX YEAR OLD CHILDREN?
Yeah, I'm wounded and I'm pissed. It needs to stop NOW. Get these guns GONE. I'm sorry but you don't see this in urban communities, you see it with middle-class white folks. That best friend I mentioned? She works in a dangerous urban area. Know what? I'm more worried she'll get mugged walking to her car at night than that a crazed gunman will burst into her classroom, another friend who is a school teacher works in an upper class neighborhood, I'm scared for her and her kids. She's a more likely target it would seem.
Anyway, once again, hug your loved ones tonight, two legged, four legged, whatever and tomorrow? Tomorrow do something nice for a stranger. Buy a cup of coffee, pay their toll, let them go in front of you at the grocery store. Nice feels good and we all need to feel good right now, hell I'd settle for feeling BETTER right now.
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