As previously mentioned I did a dog transport yesterday. I admit, I'm weak, I wish I could keep them all but at least I know that they're going to safety in either a foster home or their forever home so it's easier to let go of them. Yesterday I had the pleasure of sharing a car ride with a 5 month old puppy and a young adult dog, probably about a year old, maybe a little older. They were both VERY GOOD BOYS. They were truly delightful to be around but I realized something about myself yesterday.
I've never been a fan of human babies, first of all, they leak from both ends and that's just the BEGINNING of my issues with them. I don't like their chubby little thighs or cheeks, I don't think their little pincer type fingers are adorable. I don't "get" them. I don't "get" babies or all the fuss surrounding them…hence I've never had any. Don't get me wrong I don't like kids in general but once a kid at least gets to an age where they can go potty on their own (and if the need me there to wipe them or pull their pants up then it doesn't count…sorry) and maybe even have a bit of a conversation things do get better. That's not to say that I love every 8 or 9 year old because that is often an ugly age personality-wise but at least if you tell them to buzz off you can tell them why.
I've always known those things about myself but I didn't realize there was some cross-species synchronicity until yesterday. Who can resist a puppy right? The puppy I transported was no different, he was ADORABLE, truly a little gentleman, he curled up in a little puppy bundle on the floor of the backseat of my car and never said a peep the whole trip. He was sweet and adorable and good there is no doubt about it. But the youn adult dog really had me. I have to say that if I had to pick one of those dogs to bring home with me it would've been the adult. Odd, right? All 3 of my dogs are rescues and none were a puppy when we brought them home; my oldest (now 12) was about 9 or 10 months old when I got her, our male dog (now 9) was a year and a half when we carted his stinky butt home from the shelter and our youngest (3ish?) was about 6-7 months when she joined the pack. There's something about that young adultness that was appealing to me. They were all housebroken (that's a good thing) and were all something MORE than a puppy. Puppies are silly and cute and kinda fall over themselves, dogs are a tad more dignified. If, for some reason I HAD to have a puppy instead of an adult dog I certainly would love it like crazy and all that but I realized yesterday that I really do like that young adult mentality even in dogs.
The dog (as opposed to the puppy) did something so cute and sweet while I was driving, we had been on the road for about an hour and had about half an hour left, he had spent most of the ride happily watching the world roll by from the backseat of the car but he must've gotten bored and put his front paws on the console in the front seat and then he gently just leaned his head against my cheek for a while. There was something so sweet and almost mature about that gesture, a gentle "thank you" for taking care of him. Puppies are still too new, they don't know "thank you" yet and they don't have to…THEY'RE PUPPIES, people are going coo over them no matter what.
This made me think of kittens; my friend has two kittens. They're adorable, but they're EVIL. They've destroyed her dining room curtains by literally swinging from them like a couple of swashbuckling pirates swooping down on their unsuspecting prey which could be anything on the dining room table. They're cute but they aren't cats. A cat will curl up and purr in your lap and make you feel like all is right with the world a kitten will do that for a minute, maybe two, before they suddenly jump up and take an unsuspecting swipe at your nose and dart out of sight.
It was nice that a beautiful ride spent with two lovely, well-behaved animals could lead to such a profound moment of self-discovery…keep those BABIES away from me (and yes, puppies and kittens also seem to have occasion to leak from both ends…same as human babies)!