Saturday, August 11, 2012

Asshats on Facebook

Yes, this does actually apply to some of my friends, the real ones, not just the ones you "approved" on Facebook but the ones you even KNOW who are on Facebook. What is it that qualifies you for the truly gross title of "ASSHAT"? It's when you post something that doesn't quite give enough info to make sense to anyone or to just a few select people. If you just got good news, bad news, or even weird news that morning….either post the fucking news or shut yer damn piehole. Seriously. I do NOT want to read something that HINTS at your newsworthy item. Either do the big reveal or share it the old fashioned way, with a personal phone call to your key "stakeholders" (to share an offensive corporate term).

I did a quick log onto FB tonight and got hit with one of these little nuggets. "Nothing like starting my Saturday with good news in the mail. Yes I am happy, Woot!" No further info. We're all just supposed to get on the party wagon with that one, right?

As if FB doesn't make assholes of us all enough times a day when we cave into the madness we end up posting teasers like the above. Look, I would LOVE to know what is making a friend so happy on their Saturday but I can't be bothered pandering to their little guessing game. People, either share with others or shut the fuck up.

That is all…for now.

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