Here’s the problem. His response embodies the typical parent move these days. He’s just trying to do BOTH his jobs. Look, it was HIS CHOICE to run for governor AND it was his choice to be a dad so if you can’t juggle those two things without the assistance of a taxpayer funded helicopter then you aren’t doing a very good job at BOTH of your jobs.
Us Childfree by Choice people often feel ourselves getting’ a tad riled when a co-worker uses their children as excuses to get special privileges. The governor of NJ isn’t the only one cashing in on his “parent” status to get some extra perqs. It happens all the time when someone leaves early from work to pick up a sick child or brings their sick child to the office. There’s an expectation that those of us without kids will pick up the slack or be understanding of their special needs. I’m not. Not often anyway.
Christie just happens to be a public worse-case scenario. If he feels the need to use a state helicopter to get to a little league game then he may need to give up one job to attend to the other. I can’t stand Sarah Palin either (oh can I NOT stand that woman) but at least she had the good common sense to quit her job as governor to go after her own self-serving needs instead of cashing in on the taxpayer’s dime(s).
That leads me to another thought altogether. Why in the WORLD would anyone want to seek political office? My BA is in psychology but Oooooo how I’d love to pursue a PhD in psych and specialize in the political mind (if there actually IS one). What is it in a person that makes them want to run for office? Do they have some sort of savior complex? Do they actually believe that they’ll be the one to save the day? No politician, no matter how well he (or she) does is ever lauded as great, especially not during their time in office (sometimes not even while they’re alive). Who wants that type of job?
I really want to know the answer to this. I want some politician to dig deep down into their soul and tell me the truth. Tell me why they wanna be president or governor or even mayor but I guess the first thing they need to do is tell themselves that answer. Is anyone honest with themselves? Do they know in the pit of their soul somewhere that they’re pursuing this because of the power of the position? Are they honest enough to know that they’d enjoy the public aspect of it all?
What the fuck? Candidates, why you doin’ it? No one really makes a difference in office, you’re all tied to the system you want to change. As soon as you get into office you realizes you’re faced with insurmountable obstacles you can’t change for all the purported power in the world.
I’m not sayin’ no one should go into politics, I guess if that happened our political system would implode into itself and I’m not sure quite how I feel about that but I think all of us need to get a little more honest about those politicians we’re electing. They aren’t saints. They do dumb shit. They exploit the power of their office, they don’t have all the answers, they have their own agendas, basically it’s a hot mess that we just have to hope can be mitigated a little tiny bit with good luck and good intentions.
I still don’t like Governor Christie and Sarah Palin leaves my mouth agape but could we ALL admit that those assholes running for office will never be perfect…just like the rest of us fuck-ups?
Thanks and have a good night.
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