Searching online landed me at a place that was highly recommended. It was just “meh”. It wasn’t bad but I didn’t leave there feeling the need to rave about it online. The atmosphere was a very reliable luncheonette look/feel. When I got there I was the only female diner and also the only diner under 65 years old, when I left there was one other female diner…NOT under 65 years old.
I’m now convinced that the proprietor of said luncheonette had his friends and family go online and rave about the place so that people like me would find it online based on awesome reviews and would give it a try. Hey, it worked and was certainly cheaper for him than actually doing any real marketing.
Yesterday the weather held up well enough for me to head out on my bike knowing that the clouds could gather in a heartbeat and the rain and wind could drive me to safety (hey, look, it’s doing it again right now).
Since Tuesday was my day to head south I decided to head north yesterday. A few miles into my trek I realized that it might be a good idea to head inland a bit and weave my way back home rather than risk getting caught too far away. I turned into the little town just north of mine and wandered the streets looking at the gorgeous homes (and giving a nod to my first-ever apartment down here). I got into the center of town, tiny and cute, dotted with some CPA and lawyer offices and some little joints for coffee and chocolates, booze and light groceries. There was one place that I’d heard about but kept forgetting was there. I’d heard about it from people more than halfway across the state it was supposed to be so yummy.
There it was, right in front of me, not crowded…AND they had an outdoor seating area which would be perfect for me with my bike in tow and no bike rack to lock up at. I was about to settle in at an outside table when one of the staff said, “oh honey, it’s way too hot to sit outside today, bring your bike into the lobby and enjoy the AC”. She had me at “oh honey”. See, most of the time I get the “you can’t leave your bike THERE” greeting but not at this place…oh no, they were MORE than happy to take care of me and my two-wheeled transportation.
Once inside I realized I was in the place I wish I’d found the previous day. The décor was adorable, cuter than cute but not annoying. The clientele was a mixed-bag of late-lunching office people, trendy college kids, middle-aged moms chased off the beach by the bad weather and a few random folks that were grabbing some takeout.
The menu was eclectic without being unfamiliar, in other words, the foods were identifiable but unique. Despite the fact that it was 1PM the breakfast menu drew me in. I ordered their version of eggs benedict, two poached eggs on toasted olive bread coated with a lemony artichoke tapenade and fresh/spicy arugula; it was perfect. It was flavorful and comforting and a reasonable portion instead of a big hunk of too much food.
It left me with the feeling I wanted the day before, it left me wanting to tell people about it. It made me want to flail my arms while describing it to hubby. It left me planning my next trip there (today for lunch, maybe?).
Might I just point out that this little joint is probably no more than 3 miles from my house and has been there for the past 7 years and I’ve lived in this house for nearly 10 years! THAT my friends is one reason I love my staycations, I get the chance to check out things I should probably already know about right in my own backyard.
When you go on vacation you get the chance to do a bit of exploring and find some places to shop or eat or hike or whatever; you can’t wait to rave to friends back home about the great little breakfast joint you found…I get to do that raving AND go back any ol’ time instead of waiting for the next time I get to visit that vacation spot.
Gotta go, I’ve got breakfast to go eat now (or maybe lunch, I hope they have the lobster salad again today).
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