Monday, March 12, 2012


Okay, MOST of the time I get these thoughts in my head at work of things I want to look up online and then I never do it. It's so ANNOYING. I get home from work, I feed the dogs, talk to hubby, we argue over dinner, then sometimes we even eat dinner. We take the dogs back outside, toss the Frisbee. By then I've completely forgotten every thought I had at work. All of them…gone. I know that I had all these brilliant things to hunt for online. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't do my share of web surfing at work…it's just that some of these things would take more than a quick look-see, they'd require some reading and poking around. Hell some of them might even be inappropriate work fare (too political, too anti-religious…).

Is tonight any different? Nope. I know that I had some actual items that came to me by midday and where are they now? Who knows but they ain't in my feeble brain.

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