Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh Jen, won’t you be my friend?

The media needs to grow up. I know this seems so painfully obvious but I have to put this out there. The media also needs to move on. They’re like a 15 year old girl who can’t move on from her first boyfriend. The media, the tabloids, the paparazzi, TMZ and Access Hollywood all need to move on from Jennifer Aniston. Not in a bad way, they can still report how beautiful she is at 40 or how cute her new movie role is (does she have any new movies? Eh, who cares?)

I’m divorced (twice, but who’s counting), Jen is divorced. Newsflash for the media…I’m pretty sure she’s not sitting in her beautiful Malibu home pining over ol’ Brad. Seriously folks. He’s not *all that* anymore. His looks have faded faster than a bouquet of grocery store flowers and frankly the reports of his lifestyle sound like many things but appealing isn’t one of them. If I were Jen I’d be sitting around that swanky Malibu beach house with a crisp, cold glass of Chardonnay and my loving dog Norman by my side and laughing at how pathetic tabloid media is that the best they’ve got is to speculate what went on backstage at the Haiti relief benefit. Relax, kids. I’ll bet they passed in the hallway and said “Hi” and moved on. It happens.

She’s an A-List celebrity with gobs of money and good looks and yet every newsstand sports headlines of her pining away for Brad or some secret phone calls between them with no let up in sight. It’s been years since the divorce…five years, I believe. The headlines shout all sorts of things about her craving a baby or a family or who knows what. Really? Do you folks really know that stuff? I’m thinking not. I’m thinking none of you have sat around with her in any unguarded moments and laughed with her about her ex. Guess what, kids, that’s what we do. We sit around with our girlfriends and laugh about how icky his new beard looks or how awful it must be to be globetrotting with all those kids in tow. Do any of you people who read US Weekly actually believe that Jennifer Aniston is still sitting by the phone waiting to hear Brad’s voice on the other end? Please people stop it, JUST STOP IT.

Jen, you’d have fun with me and my friends, most of us have been divorced just like you and all of us have moved on pretty quickly and quite well. We could dish about moving on from our ex’s, we could talk about how much better off we are in our current lives. You could share the relief of being 40 and childfree and I could nod and tell you that I remember that same feeling and it has stayed with me all these years later.

I could speak to the media for you, Jen and dispense with all the rumor and speculation as well as getting right to the heart of things. Let’s cut the crap folks. She’s OVER him. Stop painting this sad, pathetic picture of this rich, beautiful woman. Good LORD people. The media is setting the woman’s movement back decades based on how they cover this one person. Jen, I’ll be there for ya. I’ll be the one to laugh in the face of the p’razzi as they jump in your (our) face and ask who you’re dating now.

Hello news media…are you out there? Let me update you, its 2010, yes it is. Women, especially wealthy, beautiful women, move on from heartbreak. We’re resilient, we bounce back. I’d be willing to bet that ol’ Jen will be much more heartbroken when her beloved Norman passes away than at the demise of her relationship to Brad Pitt.

So Jen, next time you’re on the East Coast look up this blogger. I’d be happy to take ya out for a glass of wine and dish about ex’s. Let the p’razzi snap away as long as they start to get the story straight. Oh yeah, and feel free to bring Norman along we’re dog friendly here (and thanks for choosing a rescue dog).

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