Sunday, May 23, 2010

Soul Sucking Pit of Hell

When I started blogging here I was ranting and raving about how much I didn’t belong in corporate America and sure as shit didn’t want to be there. I stated over and over how much I felt I had become soul-less because they had sucked all of the soul out of me.

That’s all well and good but now I feel like the teacher is telling me to show how I got that answer. Anyone remember 4th grade math when you had to show the steps to get the answer? I realized that for my whining to be valid I needed to dig deeper than just mentioning the departure of said soul.

I didn’t even know this was required of me until I wrote about business casual. That made me see what was missing from me. I don’t mix things up, or rarely anyway. Something bought for work is worn for work…other stuff isn’t. Those four inch high heels of which I spoke with love and adoration…those will never see the inside of an office building but I love them, oh I do.

What else left me when my soul slipped away? Swearing. Cussing and swearing like the proverbial dockworker or sailor. Dirty talk. Potty mouth. Look, I love to do it. I like to curse loud and long or utter stuff under my breath.

The hallowed halls of the corporate world are robbing us of our American right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Many organizations make their employees sign “ethics agreements” that cover all sorts of things. Frankly it’s wrong. My American freedoms say that I can get drunk and dance on a bar as long as it doesn’t break any law but there’s every possibility that my corporate agreement doesn’t permit this behavior.

Teachers, athletes, medical professionals, and corporate geeks have been wedged into a mold that may not be appropriate. Here’s a news flash. If cheating isn’t illegal, then let’s not judge. It’s sad, yes but we aren’t living their lives. As far as other behavior goes. Look someone could be the best teacher in the world. Dedicated, hard-working, passionate about his/her subject matter and students and that same person may just have a little kink in them that enjoys anonymous internet sex. Guess what. If it ain’t illegal, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Seriously, back off folks. To get a tad biblical on you folks…he (she) who is without “sin” step up and toss the first stone.

Look if you have no personal quirks then I’m a little more concerned about you than the rest of the population. There’s nothing about YOU that might be considered “odd”; “unsavory”; a little “off” by someone else? Think about it.

I admit I haven’t been really following this whole “Tea Party” thing but it seems they want some kind of change and they want their rights back. Newsflash kids…it’s not the government we need to be worried about. I’m not worried about losing my rights to get healthcare…I AM worried about losing my right to dance on a bar in my bra. Yeah, I am. I don’t think I’ve ever done that (I have danced on bars but not in just my bra) but I certainly want to preserve the right to do that and not risk my job or career. I don’t want to be judged in a court of personal opinion that I otherwise couldn’t give a crap about.

I may not be allowed to use language deemed inappropriate at work but I absolutely will NOT be judged by the corporate machine for using it elsewhere. And by the way, if George Carlin were still alive he’d probably have to add a whole pile of new words to his “7 Words you Can’t Say on TV”. He’d probably have to add all those racist and nationalist terms that were long in common usage and are now too damn offensive to utter. My husband used to be referred to as “The Skinny Guinea”, that would now be offensive (and incorrect since, well, he has put on a few pounds).

What about people who are into porn, or swinging, or who knows what? That’s private but what if a corporate guru, or school board, or whomever found out? Is it their right to say that behavior is inappropriate for you to perform your job? Sweet LORD no it is NOT. Look, humans are weird and diverse critters. Far odder than any of our mammalian counterparts. We’re individuals. Please leave us alone. People should be able to go to work. Do their job. Go home and do whatever. Yes, the internet has certainly invaded our privacy and much of it is voluntary…but that doesn’t mean it gives any entity the right to judge.

If it isn’t illegal then it isn’t an issue.

People, people, get over it. Really. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Call me a cunt, a bitch, go ahead. I can take it. I really don’t care. Say it if ya mean it.

Okay. Soul-sucking points so far:

1. Business casual.

2. Your “ethics” may not be my ethics.

I can only guess this list will be growing. Feel free to add your own.

And for the record…shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

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